Family life, Lifestyle, mummy blog, Parenting, parenting blog, Toddler life


Straight after breakfast this morning we cranked up the heating and whipped off the nappy. Potty training attempt 1 here we go.... Day 1 went really well. Charlie can hold his wee I'll give him that!! I took off his nappy at 9am and he did his first wee at 12:40! And it was on… Continue reading POTTY TRAINING DAY 1

Family life, Lifestyle, mummy blog, Parenting, parenting blog, Toddler life

Dear Charlie | Toddler Adventures 1.0

Friday 26th May 2017 The day started in the usual way, Mummy came in to your room at 7:15am to be greeted by you bouncing up and down in your cot, you then proceeded to throw your dummy across the room - the definitive signal that you are ready to get out of bed and… Continue reading Dear Charlie | Toddler Adventures 1.0

Family life, Infertility, Lifestyle, Motivation, mummy blog, Parenting, parenting blog

Charlie’s almost TWO! | Feeling Broody

Where has the time gone, it seems like only yesterday we arrived home with our little bundle of joy, faced with the task of figuring out how he worked. In just 30 days my "baby" will be TWO! Unfortunately Daddy has to work on his actual birthday but we plan on making up for it… Continue reading Charlie’s almost TWO! | Feeling Broody

Infertility, Lifestyle, Parenting, Uncategorized

Reviving my blog | Why did I stop?

For the first time in months I have logged on to WordPress. I created the blog in January this year, it was on my list of "resolutions" and I was proud to put a big "tick" next to it. But does it really qualify as completing a resolution if you don't stick to it?  There… Continue reading Reviving my blog | Why did I stop?