Fitness, Parenting

Challenge Day 8 | Date Night

So mid-way through January I decided to do a "12 days of new year" challenge, for a bit of fun and to prompt me to consistently upload a blog. It started off well but the reality set in that with my 9 month old son to look after I was going to struggle to do… Continue reading Challenge Day 8 | Date Night


Surviving on one wage

"The goal isn't more money. The goal is living life on your terms" Chris Brogan. I am now officially out of my maternity leave, and I am lucky enough that I am able to take an extra year off work on career break. Now we are by no means rich but we have learned to… Continue reading Surviving on one wage

Fitness, Parenting

Keep It Basic

"Life is actually really simple, but we insist on making it complicated" - Confucious. Too often we think "what if" and this stops us from taking action. "What if i fail" "what if it doesn't work" "what if people don't take me seriously". All of these types of thoughts delay or stop us from taking… Continue reading Keep It Basic

Fitness, Parenting

Day 6 & 7 | Go one day only eating WHOLE FOODS / Try an ICED coffee

Halfway through my 12 days of new year challenge, and it have to say I'm enjoying it. It has prompted me to try and do things that I've been meaning to for a long time. We are well in to January and so far I have started a blog, gone a day without caffeine, donated… Continue reading Day 6 & 7 | Go one day only eating WHOLE FOODS / Try an ICED coffee


Day 4 & 5: Try a new recipe & 50 press ups as fast as possible.

Thursday 3:45am, I was alone in my bedroom sobbing, Charlie in the next room crying his eyes out. This was the 4th time he had woken since 10:30. I'm at my wit's end, sleep-deprived, exhausted, emotional; the third night in a row that I've managed no more than a couple of broken hours sleep. Is… Continue reading Day 4 & 5: Try a new recipe & 50 press ups as fast as possible.

Fitness, Parenting

Day 2 | Donate clothes to charity.

7:30am and I am sneaking around downstairs so as not to wake my little man. For those of you reading my blog for the first time, I have an 8 month old son called Charlie. Normally he is a great sleeper and can go 12 hours most nights, but last night he woke at 4:30… Continue reading Day 2 | Donate clothes to charity.

Fitness, Parenting

Day 1 | No Caffeine ☕️

It's Monday 11th January 2016, 1pm: Currently in the kitchen making Charlie's dinner. I have one foot on his walker to stop him moving because he keeps going to the drawers and pulling them open - need to start baby proofing. I'm trying to distract him by singing the word "Washing Machine" - his second… Continue reading Day 1 | No Caffeine ☕️