Fitness, Parenting

Versatile Blogger Award Nomination

Versatile Blogger Award Today I was honoured with receiving two nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award. The nominations were from fellow bloggers When You Look For The Good and; My Think Out Thankyou both so much for the nomination, I have only been blogging since the beginning of the year and so I feel incredibly… Continue reading Versatile Blogger Award Nomination

Fitness, Parenting

Full Day Of Eating | How I Track Macros

I don't count calories per se - I track my total amounts of macronutrients; Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein. I am currently maintaining my weight at 9 st 3 lb (129 lbs / 58kg). In order to maintain my weight I need to be eating 2,300 calories roughly - based on my activity level and body… Continue reading Full Day Of Eating | How I Track Macros


I Am Proud Of Myself  | Self Reflection  |  Why I Love Blogging

As I drove home from the gym today I was thinking about what I was going to do for the rest of the day. My son is at his grandparents today to allow me a day to myself. Usually on this day I workout, do housework and do some work on my Nutrtion Course. However… Continue reading I Am Proud Of Myself  | Self Reflection  |  Why I Love Blogging


Making Time For Yourself

After reading a blog yesterday I was inspired to write about the ways in which my husband and I have strived to make time for ourselves since becoming parents. Before little Charlie arrived we were very selfish and don't mind admitting it, we would spend our time doing whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.… Continue reading Making Time For Yourself


I Inadvertently Became A Parenting Blog

Something dawned on me this week as I embarked on the Blogging 101 journey - I started my blog page with no real idea of who my audience would be. I knew that I wanted to help people by sharing my experiences, but I never really thought about who would be reading my blogs and… Continue reading I Inadvertently Became A Parenting Blog


My essentials during the first 9 months

The 3rd assignment of Blogging 101 is to write a blog which speaks to your audience - to imagine who your readers are. I imagine my readers to be parents themselves, or expectant parents, and so I decided to put together a list of all the items I have found to be essential during the… Continue reading My essentials during the first 9 months


9 Month Health & Development Review

    Babies will have regular health and development reviews during their first few years. It seems that each local area in the U.K. carries these out at different times, but generally they are reviewed shortly after birth, 1-2 weeks, 6-8 weeks, 9-12 months and 1-3 years. Last week Charlie had his 9 month review and… Continue reading 9 Month Health & Development Review